
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Clear Cache bounce in R12

There are two ways to clear cache in R12.
1. Functional level (individual product/all product cache)
Functional Administrator -> Core Services -> Caching Framework -> Global Configuration -> "Go to specific cache or Clear All Cache"

2. Server level
In R12 apache bounce (which is actually opmn services here) takes a little more time then 11i, and we too have to take care of few things.
Basic steps for a clear cache bounce is as below:-
Set you application environment and go to $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tablespace Administration - 2

For ASM disks details you can use query as below.

column Name format A30
column Group_Number format 9999
column Path format A50
set linesize 150
select Name,Group_Number,Total_MB,Free_MB,PATH, Hot_Used_MB, Cold_Used_MB from v$asm_disk;

The Total Space details can be seen with below query.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

R12 Blank Login Page

This may happen some times, mainly after the clone or even after some bounce.

There are multiple options to check, and try:-

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

11g alert log

The alert log location is obviously changed in 11g. The parameter that defines the top location ( Can be called ADR Base ) is "diagnostic_dest"

SQL> show parameter diag